Friday is a wasted day for a lot of people. You’re tired from the week, your mind is focused on the weekend, and most of your coworkers are probably checked out. This day plan keeps your Friday productive, but also keeps things relaxed so you can ease into your weekend.
Instead of using Friday as a day to catch up on busy work, or waste it staring at a computer screen, Sol Orwell at GrowthLab decide to carve out time for three things he didn’t have time for the rest of the week: learning, connecting, and planning. He uses Friday mornings for focused learning—reading books, taking notes, and working toward improving himself. Then, around lunch time, Orwell takes a couple hours to connect with people—lunch meetings, emails, social networks, and organized professional gatherings. And, most importantly, at about 3 PM, he shifts his focus to planning for the next week. This does three things:
  1. You’ll be ready to hit the ground running on Monday morning.
  2. Your brain will unconsciously work through any problems you map out Friday afternoon, possibly leaving you with fresh ideas Monday morning.
  3. It provides closure for the week.
Planning for the upcoming week clearly demonstrates to yourself that you are done with the current week and that it’s time to relax and recharge. Not everyone will be able to adjust their Friday schedules to fit this method, but you can still probably make time for each key concept with a rigid schedule. See if you can get on the job training on Friday mornings, make Friday lunches about touching base with coworkers and other professionals, and set aside a few minutes to at least mentally plan out your next week. You can read more about Orwell’s strategy at the link below.

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