Monday 27 March 2017

3 Tricks To Become Much More Productive And Motivated

3 Tricks To Become Much More Productive And Motivated In the middle of the day, have you ever felt like you were just ready for a nap? Or, at work, have you ever felt that one whole hour felt like a full eight hours? For times like these, our go-to solutions include drinking coffee or grabbing an energy drink to get a dose of caffeine to boost our energy. But, the good news is, it is not only caffeine that can boost our energy and make us feel more productive and motivated. Follow the tricks below for a much more productive day: Stay near natural light sources. As much as you can, do not lose sight of natural light. Try to sit beside a window, or go outside for walks during your breaks. Doing this will make you feel more energetic because it will make you feel more awake. The explanation for this is that the hypothalamus in our brain, which regulates energy and sleep levels, signals for our body to ramp up or down the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin, when it senses a change in light. That also explains why, when we use our cellphone in bed in the middle of the night, we find it hard to get back to sleep.If for any reason you are not able to see natural light during the day, you can use alternatives such as a mood lamp or a sunlight LED light. Do not forget to exercise. Exercising is not only good for the heart. Exercising also helps you sleep well. A research study[1] concluded that people who exercise for 60 minutes on 5 days a week get more sleep than those who do not. Have you ever gone to work after a sleepless night?Obviously, a sleepless night will not give you a very productive day because you will feel very tired and sleepy. So, do not forget to exercise if you want to sleep soundly. Make an extra effort to get good sleep using strategies other than exercise, such as avoiding caffeine in the afternoons and evenings, using comfortable bedding, turning off the light, and keeping the sounds down. If you sleep well, you will definitely feel much more energized the next morning when you wake up. Learn to manage stress. Someone who is stressed will not feel motivated or productive. In a research study, 40%[2] of Americans said that stress makes them feel tired and fatigued. Fatigue definitely will make you less productive and motivated during your day.To counter that, you should learn to combat stress. There are a variety of ways to counter stress such as: Yoga – Yoga clears your mind and slows down[3] the breathing and heart rate. Exercise – Exercise reduces[4] stress and fatigue. It improves your overall cognitive function, alertness and concentration. Meditation – A study[5] has found that mindfulness meditation can help ease stresses like depression, pain and anxiety. Eating a healthy diet – Eating high-fat food can make you feel lethargic and leave you without much energy to deal with stress. A healthy diet that combats stress is composed of high-fiber, carbohydrate-rich and low-fat meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods do not sap energy and boost the immune system. Keeping a positive outlook – When stress and negative thoughts come in, it is important to shove those negative thoughts away and to replace them with positive ones. That way, you will not dwell on negativity, which causes stress and depression.Whether we feel motivated and productive can be up to us. If we take extra steps, such as those suggested above, to make sure that we are motivated and productive, the results will definitely show in our work day and will be a reflection of how we take care of ourselves.

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